Wiki Data Viz Contest

As the room filled up with fog and lights swirled around the room, three brave and talented vizzers took to the stage. The task before them: create a visualization in 20 minutes in front of a live audience with data they had only seen the first time a few days prior. Three data artists entered Viz Stadium, but only one was crowned the champion.

Last year's contestants hard at work.

This grand display of data prowess was the 2014 Iron Viz Championship. Iron Viz has become one of the most popular and talked about event at the annual Tableau conference. Every year, a series of three Tableau Public contests are held to select the three contestants for the Iron Viz Championship. With our big conference taking place in Las Vegas this year, you don't want to miss this opportunity to win one of the coveted Iron Viz spots.

Many in the Tableau Public community have already guessed from my not-so-cryptic hint in my Excavating Gems from Wikipedia blog post that our first contest of 2015 is all about Wikipedia. Your viz can be about any topic you'd like but all the data has to come from Wikipedia. You can get data from one Wiki page or multiple. Check out my previous blog post about getting data from Wikipedia for ideas on how to use it as a datasource.

The submission period starts NOW and will end on March 22nd. So find that data and get to vizzing!

Enter the Contest

For more details, visit our contest page.

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