How to Follow an Author and Access Your New Activity View
Tableau Public has more than 100,000 authors
How do you keep track of the authors and stories that resonate the most? Now you can follow the authors who create the data stories that matter the most to you; and with the new Activity feed, we'll keep you up to date by displaying all the recently published data stories and visualizations from those authors you've chosen to follow. Here's how it works:
First, you need to create an account and sign in. Then you’ll see new buttons in each author’s profile area for Follow.
Click the Follow button
When you follow an author, the button changes to "Following". Simply click the button again to Unfollow if you change your mind about who you want to follow at any time. But you'll want to be sure to keep following our friend Jewel.

Then, each time an author you’re following publishes something new, you’ll be notified in your Activity view.
Your new Activity view
From the navigation at the top right, you'll see a notification whenever there are new items in Activity. Click to view the most recent vizzes from all the authors you’ve followed:

How does this work with hidden workbooks, you ask? The simple rule is this: if you publish a workbook with the default setting ’set my vizzes to hidden' checked, the workbook will not show up in anyone’s Activity view.
Don’t know who to follow?
Check out some of our featured authors.
There’s a few other new features here too: within each author’s profile (including yours), there are new tabs for Followed and Following. So if there’s an author you like, you can see which authors they follow, too. And, you can see who has decided to follow YOU. Ooh, that's not creepy.

We hope you enjoy using this new set of features, and let us know how you like it. As a designer for Tableau Public, I can’t wait to see the types of communities that emerge and hope that it will inspire and engage more authors like you. Thanks! - dj
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